How to Use this Template

Simply spend 20 minutes to Input your school information and you’re all set!

Inputing Class Information

  1. open the page

  2. enter in the information for all the courses you are taking (Simply re-name the pre-made templates or click “new” to add more)

  3. in each course folder, create a new page for each lecture, along with the date of the lecture

  4. click the assignments tab, create a new page for every assignment, along with the due date.

    you can also include exams as assignments! (midterms/finals/quizzes)

    Screen Shot 2022-09-20 at 12.56.33 PM.png

  5. Use the Study Schedule table to plan your study sessions!

  6. you’re all set!

Using the Calendar

  1. the main dashboard has 3 views

    1. “calendar" → master calendar with all course information, including assignments and lectures.

      1. to see individual class calendars, go to and open the individual classes
    2. “review” shows all lectures that you have began to review. these are organised into 3 groups: beginner, intermediate & advanced.

      • beginner → material that you haven’t studied yet
      • intermediate → material that you have studied but still don’t know yet
      • advanced → material that you have studied and mastered

      the purpose of this view is to identify which the last time you review a topic, along with how well you feel you have mastered the information. this is the basis of the study schedule table!

      It helps you see:

      • last review date for each topic
      • mastery level for each topic

      this is to guide your studies, so that you do not waste time studying lectures you know very well, and can prioritise learning the information that you do not know well.

      the “review” tab can also be seen for each individual class by going to and opening the class folder.

    c. “assignments” → a master list of all upcoming assignments and exam dates for every class.

    1. to see individual class assignments, go to and open the individual class folders and select the assignments tab.

Additional Features of the Template

  1. add to your study streak by clicking the +/- button! this is a manual counter, so be honest with yourself if you miss a day and hit reset
  2. use the ‘daily to-do’ list to log your tasks for the day. Simply check the box once completed